Monday, December 21, 2015


Data types: A data type is classification of various types of data Examples of data. Data types are integer, float, character, string (A group of characters)

Integer: An integer data type can hold a whole number.

Float: Float values are also called real data valves are stored in a single memory location.

Logical data type: It consists of 2 values is stored by true/false.

Characters: Character data type when we went to include letters, numbers, spaces, symbols and punctuations, the size is 1 byte. A few data types are corrective field, data fields, integer fields and text fields.

Data processing: Data (15) a collection of facts, un organized to be organized into useful information. We give data as an input and we get the output can be used to help people make decisions it is called information data processing system is used to include the resources such as people, procedures and devices that are used to accomplish the processing of data for producing desirable output.

Data storage hierarchy:

Field: A field is a meaning full collection of related characters.
Ex: S.No,….. etc.

Record: Fields we normally grouped together to form a record.
Ex: Field           


                                                Field or Data



File organization: System designers choose to organize, access and process records and files in different ways depending on the type of application and the needs of users. There are 3 commonly used file organizations.
1.            Sequential
2.            Direct
3.            Indexed sequential organization

The selection of a particular organization depends upon the type of application. File organization requires the use of some key field, identifying value i.e. found in every record in the file.
Serial file organization: Records are arranged one after another in no particular order serial organisation is commonly found with transaction data where records are created in a file in the order in which transactions takes place.
For example: Daily purchase.
Sequential file organization: Records are stored one after another in an ascending (or) descending order determine by the key field of the record.
Ex: Payroll
To access a record, the computer must read the file in sequence from the beginning.
1.     Easy to understand, maintain and organize.
2.     There is no overhead in address generation.
3.     It is more efficient and economical file organisation
1.     Active ratio is very low.
2.     Transactions must be stored and placed in sequence prior to processing.
3.     Data redundancy (duplication of data) is typically high.

Direct access file organization: Allows immediate access to individual record on the file, the records are stored and retrieved using a relative record number, which gives the position of the record in the file. The most widely used direct access methods are

            Self Direct addressing: Key is used as its relative address. Therefore we can complete the records             address directly from the record key and the physical address of the first record in the file. It is a fixd             length record in a sequential file and in which the keys are from a complete range of consecutive             records.
                                                Key                        Record
                                                F1                        1-80
                                                F2                        81-130
Advantages: No need to store an index
1. Records must be of fixed length.
2. If some records are deleted their storage space remains empty.

Indexed sequential file organisation (ISAM):
It is an hybrid between sequential and direct access. The records with in the file are stored sequentially but direct access to individual record possible.

This type of file organize is suitable for batch processing and online processing

1.     Efficient and economical use.
2.     Activity ratio is very high.
3.     Permits direct access processing of records in a relatively efficient way when the activity ration is low.
1.     Access to records may be slower than direct files.
2.     Less efficient in the use of storage space.

            Random access method: Transactions can be processed in any order and written at any location to             store file. The desired records can be directly accessed using randomizing procedure.
1.     Retrieval of record is quick and direct.
2.     Need not be stored in sequence.
3.      It is suitable interactive online applications like banking, air line and railway reservation system.
1.     Address generation over head is involved for accessing each record due to hashing function.
2.     Less efficient than sequential file organisation.

  Best file organisation: The following factors are to be considered for the best file organisation.
1.     File volatility
2.     File activity
3.     File interrogation
4.     File size.
File volatility: No. of additions and deletions to the file in given period of time.

File activity: It is the proportion of master file records that are actually used (or) accessed in a given processing run. In real time file, where each transaction is processed immediately at a time, only one master file record is accessed (ATM transaction). If requires a direct access method.

File interrogation: File interrogation means retrieval of individual records must be fast to support a real time operation such as airline reservation then some kind of direct organisation is required.

File size: Immediate response must be organized by direct access method in large file system. On the other hand with small files it may be more efficient to search the entire file sequentially.

Database Management System (DBMS):
A database management system is a set of software programmes, that controls a organisation storage, management and retrieval of data in a data base. A data base is repository for related collection of data for example an address book can be a data base where names, address, phone No. of friends on business contacts are stored.
Name                        address                        Friend Ph.No.                        Business contact

Management problems of file processing:
Data needed for each user application was stored in independent data files processing consisted of using separate computer programme that updated these independent data files and used them to produce documents and reports by separate user application. There are several problems in file processing approach.
1. Data duplication
2. Independent data files include a lot of duplicated data, the same data is recorded and stored in several files.
3. This data integration: Independent files makes it difficult to provide end users with the information for adhoc requests that requires accessing data stored in several different files. It is time consuming of expensive for the organisation.

Data dependence: In file processing system, major components of a system are
1.            Organisation of files
2.            Their physical location on storage
3.            Hardware
4.            Application software
The above components are used to access these files depend on one another in significant ways.

Data integrity & Security: There are certain integrity constraints defined in DBMS to protect an unauthorized access to the data in the databases. For example, when inserting the data for a particular field, say salary for an employee data base. It cannot be null. It does not allow the user to leave the field blank, thus providing integrity and security on the data base.

Solutions for Database Management:
File processing system.
1.     Reduce data redundancy and inconsistency
2.     Enhance data integrity and security
3.     Provide logical and physical data independence
4.     Improved data sharing
5.     Low cost of developing and maintaining system
What is a data Base?
A data base is a computer file that uses a particular file organisation to facilitate rapid updating of individual records, simultaneous updating of related records, easy access to all records by all processed data.

Explain the architecture of DBMS:-
The following are the 3 levels architecture
1.     External (or) user view
2.     Conceptual (or) global view
3.     Internal (or) Physical view

External (or) user view:
1.     It is the highest level of data abstraction
2.     It includes only those portions of data base which is concerned to the user
3.     It describes by means of external scheme

Global or Conceptual View:
1.     All data base entitles and relationships among them are included.
2.     Single view represents the entire data base.
3.     It describes all records, relationships and constraints.

Internal (or) physical view:
1.     It is the lowest level of data base abstraction
2.     It indicates how data will be stored.
3.     It describes data structure and access method.
4.     It is closest to the physical storage method.

Schema: Moving unordinary file management to data base system is to separate all data definitions from the applications, programmes and to consolidate them into a separate entity called schema, the indication of the logical relationship between various components of the data base, there are 3 types of schemas
1.     Physical schema (lowest level)
2.     Logical schema (intermediate level)
3.     Sub-schema (highest level)
Data independence: It is an ability of a database to modify a table definition at one level without affecting the next higher level, is called data Independence. It means that when the table is changed at one level and the next level remains unchanged. There are 2 types of data independence.
1.     Physical data Independence
2.     Logical data Independence

Physical data Independence:
There is no need to change the conceptual schema, changes in internal schema is needed by upgrading storage structure and to improve the performance of the system.

Logical data independence:
There is no need to change in the external scheme we can change in the conceptual schema by adding, deleting, updating the records in the data base.

Parts of database management system:
The data base management system base major parts
1.     Data
2.     Hardware
3.     Software
4.     User
Data: Most organizations generate, store and process a large amount of data. The data acts as a bridge between hardware, software and users. We access it directly through some application programmes.

Hardware: It consists of secondary storage device such as magnetic disk, Magnetic tape, CD, DVD for storing and retrieving the data in a fast and efficient manner.

Software: DBMS acts as a bridge between user and the data base, we use SQL or application software’s to do the operations on the data base like insertion, deletion and up-dation.

User: The broad classes of users are
a)     Application programmers and system analysts.
b)    End-user.
c)     Data base administrator.
d)    Data base designer.
System analyst: Determines the requirements of End user.

Application programmers: The programmers implement these specifications as programmes and the test debug document and maintain the transactions.

End users: There are the people who require access to the data base for updating and generating reports.

Database Administrator: Is responsible for authorization access, coordination, monitoring and for acquiring the needed software and hardware resources to the database.

Database designers: These are responsible for choosing appropriate structures to represent and store this data.

Relationships in database: It is a complex task to identify relationship among records in a large database, the various types of relationships are

      i.         One-to-one relationship as in a single parent record to a single child record or husband record to wife.
     ii.         One-to-many relationship single parent records to a single child record.
   iii.         Many-to-many relationships: Two or more parents records to two or more child records.

Data base structures: Database management systems are designed to use 3 database structures to provide easy access to information stored in databases and their relationships logically.
The 3 database structures are
      i.         Hierarchical database structure
     ii.         Network database structure
   iii.         Relational database structure

Hierarchical database structure: Records are logically organized into a hierarchical of relationship. A hierarchically structured database is arranged logically in an inverted tree pattern. All records in hierarchial is called as “NODES”.

Hierarchical data structure implements one-to-one and one-to-many relationship.

Features of Hierarchical database:
      i.         Data bases are less flexible than other database structures. Declaration between records are relatively fixed by the structure, Relation between records are relatively fixed by the structure.
     ii.         Manager use of query language to solve the problem may require multiple searches and prove to very time consuming.

Network Data Base structure:- It builds on the concept of multiple branches, lower level and higher level structures. A network data base structure views all records in sets. An owner record and one or more member records.

Relational database Models: In Relationship data base model, the hierarchical and network database structures require exploit relationships between records in the data base. The key terms are used in relational data base model are relations. Attributes and domains. A relation is  a table with columns and rows.

Key: Key often referred to the specific structure and components of link list, chain of pointers (or) a key is a set off one (or) more columns whose combined values are unique among all occurrences in a given table. There are various types of relational keys.
      i.         Primary key: A primary key is used to get an unique value.
     ii.         Candidate key: One or more columns whose combined values are unique among all occurrences
   iii.         Alternate key: Any table is simply those candidate keys which are not currently selected as a primary key.
Note: An alternate key is a function of all candidate key – primary key.
   iv.         Secondary key: These keys are used to optimize the data access.

Explain Data Base Models:-
1.     Distributed data base:- Sometimes an organisation may require decentralizing its data base by scattering it with computing resources to several locations, so that the processing is done at more than sight.
2.     Replicated data base:- Duplicates of data are provided to the sights, so that we can access same data concurrently. Replication data base is costly in terms of system resources and also maintaining the consistency of the data elements.
3.     Partitioned data base:- Database is divided into parts that are required and appropriate for the respective sight, only those sights are partitioned or distributed without replication of entire data.
4.     Entity relationship model data base:- ER model is a specialized graphic that illustrates relationship between entities in the data base. It is used to produce a type of conceptual scheme of a system asset of all entities of same time is called “entity set”. The degree of relationship indicates the link between two entities for specific occurrence of each. The degree of relationship is called “cardinality”. The basics of “ER” diagram are

Define object oriented data base:- Objects are entities converging some meaning for us and possess such retributes to characterize them and interacting with each other. Object oriented data base provides mechanism to store complex such as images audio and video.

Any object in the real world consists of member data and member functions. So each object is an independently functioning application.

Examples of object oriented language:-Pipthonog, C++, JAVA, C#, Small talk etc.

Client-server data base:-In client server data base where client requests the server and server response according to the client request. Client machine contains user interface, server machine contains data base, both are coupled with a network of highbandwidth.
                                                               Client 1                                    Client 2                                               
Client-Server Data Base                                                                                                 
The above diagram is an example of two tier architecture.

Knowledge Data Base:- A knowledge Data Base System provides system  provides functions to define, create, modify, delete and read data in a system. The time data maintained in a data base system historically has been declarative data description the static aspects of the real world objects and their associations. In this knowledge data base, dynamic aspects of the real world objects are stored; so that it can be used for decision support system and executive information system it contains integrated data. Detailed data, summarized data, historical data and meta data is called a “DATA WAREHOUSE” The process of recognizing the required data among data ware house “DATA MINING”

Explain the components of Data Base:- There are 2 components used in data base
1.     Data definition Language (DDL)
2.     Data Manipulation Language (DML)
Data Definition Language:- It defines the conceptual level which means it is in between “user level” and “physical level”
Functions of data definition language:-
1.     It describes schema and sub-schema
2.     They indicates the keys of the record
3.     Provide data security
4.     Provide logical and physical data independence
DATA MANIPULATION LANGUAGE:- They provide data manipulation techniques like deletion, modification, insertion, replacement, retrieval, sorting and display of data. They facilitates use of relationship between records they provide for independence of programming languages by supporting several high level procedural languages like PL/SQL,COBAL, C++ … etc

1.     It converts data definition statements into set of tables.
2.     Tables contain meta-data
1.     It is a central software component
2.     It refers to by data base control system
3.     It converts operations in user queries to physical file system
1.     Responsible for file structure
2.     Responsible for managing space
3.     Responsible for requesting block from disk manager
4.     Responsible for transmitting required records to data manager.

1.     It is a part of operating system it carries out all physical input, output operations.
2.     It interprets users query.
3.     It converts to an efficient series of operations
4.     It uses information to modify query
5.     It uses data dictionary
6.     It prepares an optimal plan to access data base for efficient data retrieval

DATA DICTIONARY:- It maintains information of meta-data and data

Data Base Administration (DBA) is a person responsible for the design, implementation, maintenance and repair of an organizations data base. They are also known as coordinator (or) “data base programmer”. The following are the roles and responsibilities of data base administrator.
1.     DBA has an overall authority to establish and control data definitions and standards.
2.     DBA provides data base security system to restrict un-authorised users.
3.     DBA also trains and assists application programmes in the use of data base.
4.     Data base administrator must have a discussion with users and then he decides the schedule and accuracy requirements, the way and frequency data access, search strategies, physical storage response time, level of security etc.
5.     DBA is responsible for originating and updating of data.
6.     DBA is responsible for controlling  access to data base and two other important functions that handled by the DBA using DDL.
7.     DBA prepares “documentation” which includes procedures, guidelines, data description and data base environment.
8.     DBA is responsible for taking back ops and recovery procedures.
9.     DBA also monitors the data base environment.
10.  DBA also setup procedures for identify and correcting violation of standards, documents and correct errors. Finally DBA is responsible for creating new utility programmes (or) new system releases.

The growth of distributed processing, end user computing, decision support and executive info-systems has caused the development of several types of data bases.
OPERATIONAL DATA BASE:- These data bases store detailed data needed to support support the operation of the entire organisation. Ex: customer data base, personnel data base, inventory database etc.
MANAGEMENT DATA BASE:- These data bases store data and info extracted from selected operational and external data base. It consists of summarized data and information to support managerial decision making.
INFORMATION WARE DATA BASE:- In his data base, current and previous years of data is stored it is an external source of data that has been standardized and integrated so that it can be used by managers and end users.
EXTERNAL DATA BASE:- Privately owned online data bases. Ex: databanks, newspapers magazines and other periodicals from bibliographic data base.
TEXT DATA BASE:- IT has stored data documents electronically, they use text data base management system software to help, create, store, search retrieve, modify and assemble documents and other information stored as text data in such data bases.
IMAGE DATA BASE:- Wide variety of images are stored electronically. Ex: photographs, animated videos etc.,
STRUCTURED QUERY LANGUAGE:- A query language is a set of commands to create, update and access data from a data base allowing user to raise queries with the help of the programmers.
Ex: My SQL server, oracle data base.
SQL usually consists of 3 parts
DML – It consists of select, update, delete, insert statements

BACK UPS:- This is an utility programme used to copy the entire content of the data base (duplication of data) it consists of root file log file mirror log file and other data base files called db data base spaces.
RECOVERY:- Recovery is the sequence of tasks performed to restore a data base to some point in kind recovery is performed when hardware (or) media failure occurs. Backup is a good practice of recovery.
ONLINE BACK UP:- Online backup process being the data base engine externalizes all cached data pages kept in memory to the data base files on disk the process is called a check point.
TRANSACTION LOG:- DATA BASE engine continues recording activity in the transaction log file while the data base is being back up.
LIVE BACK UP:- This provides a redundant copy of the transaction log for restart your system on a secondary machine in the event the primary data base becomes unusual.
OFFLINE BACK UP: Back up is being when the data base is shutdown through a normal shutdown process. The database engine commits the data in the data base files.
Ø  Understand the backup & recovery means to your business
Ø  Commits time & source for the project
Ø  Beware of any external factor that affect the recovery
Ø  Develop test, time, health check, deploy & monitor
A data ware house is a repository of an organizations electronically stored data ware houses are designed to facilitate reporting and supporting data analysis.

      i.         Reduces the response time
     ii.         Optimises the reporting and analysis the information
   iii.         Reports in operation system often required written specific computer programmes which was slow and expensive (disadvantage) separate data bases being to support management information and analysis process this we use different tools such as spread sheet so that the requirement of managers auditors and accountants will get very easy and fast data to analyse. Data ware houses have evolved through several fundamental stages.
OFFLINE OPERATIONAL DATA BASE:- In this initial stage are developed by simply copying the data base of an operational system to an offline server where the processing load of reporting does not impact on the operational system performance.
OFFLINE DATAWARE HOUSE:- In this stage of evolution are updated on a regular time cycle (usually, daily weekly or monthly)
REAL TIME DATA WARE HOUSE:- At this stage updation takes place in transaction base.
Ex:- Delivery of goods and ticket booking
INTEGRATED DATA WARE HOUSE:- At this stage transactions that are passed back into the operation system for use in daily activity of the organisation.
COMPONENTS OF DATA BASE HOUSE:- The primary components of the data ware house are
      i.         DATA SOURCES:- Where data is stored electronically where management can use the data for analysis (or) analytics for server IBM DB2 etc for client side oracle DB-Informix etc.
     ii.         DATA TRANSFORM:- In this layer receives data from data sources cleans and standardize the data. This is often called “staging”.
   iii.         META DATA:- In few data ware houses these are optional components such as dependent data marts, logical data marts, operational data store.

      i.         It increases the ability of access to reports and analysis of information.
     ii.         Increases data consistency.
   iii.         Able to combine data from different sources.

      i.         Extracting cleaning and loading data could be time consulting
     ii.         We can get out dated information quickly
   iii.         Providing training to end users
   iv.         Data warehouse is usually a non static and maintenance costs are high.

MINING: Mining is concerned with the analysis of data and picking out relevant information it is computer which is responsible for finding the patterns by identifying the underlying roles and features in the data.
Examples of data mining software’s are SPSS, SAS, think analysis and G-stat these are the following stages where we can interpret and evaluation takes place.
      i.         Selection: We have to take the data according to some criteria.
     ii.         Pre-processing: At this stage certain information is removed which is deemed unnecessary and may slow down queries.
   iii.         Transformation:- The data is transformed into different software tools like demographic so that it is easily navigable.
   iv.         Interpretation & evaluation:- These patterns are identified by the system and transpose into knowledge which is used to support human decision making.

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